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Chris K

Chris K

Sep, 2024
Case Study: JPSchoolGuide image


JPSchoolGuide is an online directory that helps people find the best Japanese language schools in Japan. The website provides detailed information about each school. Users can search for schools based on their ward and make informed decision about what school to attend.

The site is completely free to use, with no gated content and no external advertising.


The problem

As JPSchoolGuide grew in usage, the team faced several challenges:

  • Limited insights into user behavior across various sections of the site,
  • Difficulty tracking key actions like search flows,
  • Google Analytics was previously used, but the team found it too complex, and hard to draw actionable insights.

The goal was to implement a more comprehensive solution that could:

  • Track user events across the site,
  • Make it simple for less-technical team members to access and analyze data, so they knew which schools and areas were most popular to further refine content,
  • Being that JPSchoolGuide was a free site, they had a smaller budget, so they needed an affordable solution.

The solution – EventScout

JPSchoolGuide added EventScout to track user events across the site. It provided the team with a simple dashboard to allow anyone in the team to view live data. JPSchoolGuide told us “We no longer need to send around exported Excel or PDF documents for the ‘non-devs’, the whole team has access”. They could see which schools were most popular, which areas of Japan attracted the most students, and which search terms were most popular.



The results

With EventScout, JPSchoolGuide was able to make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience. They quickly identified the most popular areas in Japan and have reinvested their content efforts into those particular areas.

For example, they found that schools in the Hyogo and Aichi prefectures were particularly popular. The content team have been applying more resources to these areas to provide more detailed information.

The team loved not having to rely on a developer to get insights into user behavior.


We no longer need to send around exported Excel or PDF documents for the “non-devs”, the whole team has access. – JPSchoolGuide.



At the time of writing, JPSchoolGuide have only been using EventScout for a few months, but they have already seen a significant improvement in the user experience of their internal team. They are now able to make data-driven decisions to improve their content and user experience.

Get started with EventScout

Simple web and product analytics with AI powered insights. Get started with EventScout today.